Fixed the void's Stranger being named "Crystal" when pinged.Fixed Cognate Toxic Beasts not moving with Artifact of Eminence enabled.The trader no longer has a shard giving cap.The trader's "no" value threshold was reduced to 10% (from 15%).The trader no longer gives items at 0% value trades.Enemy corrosive trails no longer proc missiles and mortars.Ancient Wisp can no longer be Dazing as it can't apply the Daze debuff.Removed Blighted Worms due to online conflicts.Scaleless Wyverns and Vestiges are no longer chosen for Relic of Termination buffs.Scaleless Wyverns should no longer "teleport", get stuck or slide up walls.Broken Escape Pods can now spawn elites.Compatible allies now properly inherit Panic Mines.Fixed Pyro unlocking CHEF's SEAR-FLAMBE achievement.Fixed a hard error when a MULE player disconnects while having their repair drone out.Small edit to Technician's select animation.Nemesis Bandit now aims automatically when riding.Seraph can now control Void Breaches with Disturbance.Seraph is now unlocked by the new ending.Added Cremator attack syncing, originally cremator attacks can get fully desynced attacking at different targets and times.Added shard counter HUD on the trader's hideout.Shards are no longer used to unlock Seraph (see above) this also means shards can now still be given after unlocking Seraph.Artifact of Pursuit replaced with new Artifact of Displacement.New monster logs: Mechanical Totem, Scaleless Wyvern, The Edict.New final artifact: Artifact of Zenith.Fixed Artifact of Displacement's unlock creating a second pickup for clients online.Fixed Void Relic Shrines erroring when all items are blacklisted.Fixed Evolved Lemurians getting infinitely tougher in the void.Fixed Artifact of Zenith + origin glitch combo not triggering at the specific required time.Fixed missing Lifetime Fortune tab menu information.Fixed Relic of Echelon killing the player after its effect ends if the player has a Relic of Vitality.Fixed Cognate enemies being able to revive infinitely with Dio's friend.Fixed infinite Gups when given Dio's Friend via Artifact of Deviation.Fixed Artifact of Deviation errors with extensive item blacklists.New enemies can no longer naturally spawn as blighted without Artifact of Prestige due to them causing GML errors (can be reverted with the "ss_blights" profile flag).Dio's Friend and Shell Piece now works against the new final boss' attack.